TL Audio 5050 User Manual
Page 18

returns, then connecting the 5050 into the relevant console channel insert
point. The off-tape signal will then be fed into the 5050’s line input via the
mixer insert ‘send’ connection. The line output of the 5050 connects back to
the insert ‘return’ connection, thus returning the processed signal to the mixer
and ensuring continuous signal flow.
Group insert points are used to process sub-grouped signals such as drums or
backing vocals. It’s possible to mix a group of voices or instruments to a single
group, and then use that group fader to control the overall level, rather than
having to adjust each individual voice or instrument level. If you then wish to
compress the overall group signal, you can connect a 5050 to the relevant
group insert point, using the same ‘send and return’ technique as the channel
The optional DO-2 digital card will allow high quality 24 bit A/D conversion of
the 5050 mono output on a coaxial SPDIF connector. The DO-2 can feed
directly into digital recorders such as Digital Multitrackers, Hard Disk
Recorders, DAT Recorders, Minidisc and CD-Recorders, bypassing any A-D
conversion stages on the way. When connecting the DO-2’s SPDIF output it is
advisable to use cables less than 5 metres in length and of high quality. The
digital output can be used simultaneously with the 5050’s analogue output.
5.2 In
Having connected the 5050, it’s time to put it into action! Here’s a simple step
by step guide:
1. We’ll assume that a condenser microphone is connected to the 5050
mic input, and the +48V phantom power is engaged. The first stage is
then to set up the gains of the 5050. With the compressor stage
switched out, start with the 5050 input gain at minimum and output gain
at 0dB.
2. Gradually bring up the 5050 input gain until a healthy 0dB reading is
achieved on the 5050 output level meter with the chosen source
material. If more output is required the output level can be adjusted
accordingly without affecting the compression characteristics:
remember that digital recorders can require a large amount of output
level to drive them to a 0dBfs meter reading.
3. Now depress the Compressor ‘On’ switch, and using the compressor
controls you will need to adjust settings to suit the instrument you are
listening to. A good starting point is set the Attack and Release to ‘Fast’,
Ratio to 1:3, Knee to ‘Soft’, and Threshold to +20dB.
4. As you start turning the Threshold control clockwise towards 0dB, the
5050 meter should now register that some gain reduction is taking