TL Audio 5050 User Manual
Page 11

4.1 Front
The front panel controls are identified in Fig.2.
4.2 Input
The input source is selected by the push button adjacent to the input gain
control. It selects either the mic or line inputs. If a connector is plugged into the
instrument input, it will take priority over the mic and line inputs, which then
become disabled.
4.3 30dB
Occasionally - when using sensitive condenser microphones - the source
signal may be too loud for the input preamp. In this situation, to avoid any
overloading or distortion of the mic preamp stage, the 30dB pad can be used
to reduce the input gain to a more manageable level. The 30dB pad only
applies to the microphone input.
4.4 Phantom
Phantom power may be applied to the microphone socket by depressing the
+48V switch. Condenser microphones require phantom power to operate
correctly, but do not attempt to connect any microphone that does not require
phantom power, or any other equipment such as a DI box, to an input socket
that has phantom power switched on, as damage may result.
CAUTION: Never switch phantom power on or off, or plug /
unplug a microphone with phantom power applied
unless the output level control is turned down.
Failure to do so may result in a thump in your
monitor loudspeakers or PA system.
4.5 Microphone
When using the 5050 with a microphone source, care should be taken not to
apply too much gain at the input. Start with the input gain control set to
minimum, and the output master at the mid-point (12 o’clock position). The