TL Audio 5001 User Manual
Page 7

unbalanced jack connectors are generally intended for interfacing to semi-
professional equipment and have an operating level of -10dBu, or about
225mV rms.
Both outputs of each channel may be used simultaneously if required.
Balanced interconnection is always preferable to obtain the best headroom
and noise rejection, but can only be used if the other equipment in the chain -
e.g. the mixing console - also has provision for balanced connections.
3.3 Microphone
Each channel has a female, 3 pin XLR connector, suitable for balanced low
impedance (150 to 600 ohm) microphones. The mating connector should be
wired as follows:
- Pin 1 = Ground (screen).
- Pin 2 = Signal Phase (also known as “+” or “hot”).
- Pin 3 = Signal Non-Phase (“-” or “cold”).
3.4 Instrument
Each channel has a mono 0.25” jack connector on the front panel suitable for
low level instruments such as guitars, bass guitars, keyboards etc. The
impedance of this input is 1M
Ω, making it suitable for a wide range of
instruments, including guitars with high impedance pick-ups. Connecting an
instrument to this input will automatically disable the mic input on that
particular channel.
3.5 Balanced
The output is via a balanced, 3 pin male XLR connector. The mating
connector should be wired as follows:
- Pin 1 = Ground (screen).
- Pin 2 = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”).