TL Audio 5001 User Manual

Page 11

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eliminates the need for an external DI (Direct Injection) box since the high
impedance instrument input will convert the signal to a high quality balanced
or unbalanced output from the 5001. The instrument input is capable of
dealing with a wide variety of instruments and by varying the input gain a
choice of valve effect can be employed. A low input gain will keep the
instrument clean and a higher input will drive the valve stages and add the
characteristic valve warmth and second harmonic distortion.

Connecting an instrument to this input will automatically disable the mic input
on that particular channel.

4.10 Output


The output level control acts as a continuously variable fader at the output
stage of each channel.
The centre point of the level control is the 0dB unity gain setting, with up to
15dB of additional gain available. The balanced line output of the 5001 is
capable of +26dBu, which is sufficient to fully modulate a digital multitrack for
direct-to-tape recording. This technique is gaining in popularity as a means of
recording a very high quality signal directly to the recording device -
completely avoiding the degradation and colouration added by recording
through a mixing console.

In other applications, such as feeding into a console or signal processor, a
much lower output level will normally be required. The output level control
allows precise control and fading of the signal without affecting the operating
level, signal character and quality in the preamp.

4.11 Optional DO-4 Digital Output Card.

The 5001 is designed to accept the optional D0-4 24 bit digital A to D
converter card to allow easy interfacing of the 5001 with devices such as
sound cards and digital recorders. The card feeds the converted output signals
of channels 1 and 2 to the first SPDIF phono output, and channels 3 and 4 to
the second SPDIF phono output. The sample rate is switchable between either
44.1kHz or to 48kHz, and the card can be clocked to an external digital source
via the BNC wordclock input. When clocking the DO-4 to an external source
the sample rate setting on the DO-4 needs to be set to match the external
sample rate, otherwise correct locking may not occur and audible clicking may
appear on the digital output. In terms of gain, the DO-4 will generate a signal
level of 0dBfs in the digital domain when +18dBu of output level is generated
at the balanced line output of the 5001.