TL Audio Fat Track User Manual
Page 8

in a loss of level and/or increased noise. Good quality screened cable should be used,
particularly for microphone or low level sources, to prevent hum or noise pickup.
Channel Line Inputs.
The line inputs are connected via a stereo TRS jack connectors. These may be wired to
accept balanced or unbalanced connection as follows:
Balanced inputs:
- Sleeve = Ground (screen).
- Tip = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”).
- Ring = Signal Non-Phase (“-” or “cold”).
Unbalanced inputs:
- Sleeve = Ground (screen)
- Tip = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”).
- Ring = Ground ( or connect screen and ring together )
Note: When using unbalanced connection on 3 pin plugs, the ring must be linked to
the sleeve to avoid possible reduction in level and/or increase in noise. ( alternatively a
2 way mono TRS jack may be used )
Instrument Inputs.
A 2 way (mono) jack plug is required, which should be wired as follows:
- Tip = Signal Phase (“+” or “hot”).
- Screen = Ground.
Insertion Points.
The insertion points on the input channels and stereo mix are balanced, with separate
send and return sockets. They are “half normalled” i.e. a plug inserted into the send
socket (to derive an additional output) will not break the signal path through the
channel, but a plug inserted into the return socket will override the signal through the
Mating plugs may be wired for balanced or unbalanced connection as follows: