TL Audio Fat Track User Manual

Page 17

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Monitor Level

This ergonomically satisfying knob controls the volume of the monitor speakers
connected to the Fat Track.

Alternative Loudspeaker

By selecting the ‘ALT LS’ switch in the master section it allows you to switch your
monitoring to an additional set of monitor speakers . This is great for A/B
comparisons and for switching between near-field and mid-field monitors. A great
feature for mixing and mastering.

Loudspeaker Mute

This switch mutes the monitor and alternate LS outputs. This is particularly useful
when using headphones, enabling the main monitors to be muted without needing to
turn off their amplifiers. It is also useful for temporarily muting the monitors without
needing to alter any fader levels, for instance during a telephone call.

It is good practice to mute the outputs when switching the Fat Track on or off, to avoid
any loud “thumps” in the loudspeakers.

Monitor Source

Located in the master section on the far right of the console, these 4 buttons labelled
A, B, C, D allow you to solo the corresponding stereo return, you can select multiple
returns to solo at any one time, in any combination, and once all buttons are
deselected, you will automatically switch back to monitoring the ‘main’ stereo bus.

Output VU Meters and Peak LEDs.

The two VU meters monitor the level on the stereo output. The meters are factory
calibrated for 0VU = +4dBu on the balanced XLR outputs (-10dBu on the unbalanced
outputs). The calibration may be changed by inserting a small screwdriver through the
holes labelled “0VU” in the front panel underneath the Peak LEDs. There is a 3
segment LED meter adjacent to each VU meter. The LEDs indicate peak levels of
0dB, +6dB and +12dB. The LED calibration is fixed, and not affected by changes to
the VU meter calibration.