Design philosophy – Sutherland PhonoBlock User Manual

Page 5

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Third RC pi filter

Forth RC pi filter

Fifth RC pi filter

Constant voltage shunt regulator

Electrolytic and film capacitor bypass at the active devices

You can clearly see that each element adds ‘distance’ from the incoming AC power source. This is

also apparent when you look at the physical layout of components. Each element adds a physical

distance from the AC power connector. All listed items before the ribbon cable are in the right shielded

enclosure. They are in linear order from back to front. The ribbon cable goes from right to left, taking

power to the front of the audio board. Power filtering elements then go in linear order from front to back

on the audio board. Finally, you will see the electrolytic and film capacitors very closely clustered right

at the chips they are powering.

Simple, logical, straightforward, reliable AND effective.


Once a circuit topology is optimized for sound quality, it

is critical that the surrounding physical environment

is supportive of that achievement.

Like so many other aspects of the PhonoB-

lock design, the case is unassuming, classic

--------- but with a unique, purposeful twist.

There are two shielded enclosures behind

the machined front panel. The right side con-

tains the AC power supply and left side contains

the analog audio circuitry. We get the performance

advantages of shielded isolation and the tidiness of unification.

And yet there is another concealed advantage. Usually the cable interconnecting audio

and power supply sections is hanging out in space, exposed to radiated interference and other environ-

mental uncertainties. The PhonoBlock interconnection is hidden away, protected and totally shielded.

You don’t even see that cable. It is securely tucked into a machined channel in the aluminum front


There are other details making the PhonoBlocks special.