EC4S950 User Manual

Page 6

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Instruction Manual


attention to the folder name, when browsing to the destination file.

6. Click Next to continue and click Finish to complete the installation.

7. Right-click on the My Computer icon, and select Manage. Choose Device Manager

(in the left pane), and double-click on Ports (in the right pane).

8. Right-click on one of the newly added ports, and choose Properties. Click on the

Data rate tab, then click on Detect Crystal Frequency. Click OK to save this setting.

9. Repeat step 9 for each added port.

10. Serial devices can be connected, once the preceding steps are complete.

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Please note that in Windows XP and 2000, when the ExpressCard is connected to the
host computer, an icon (depicted below) will appear in the taskbar (normally the bottom
right-hand corner of the screen, near the clock). To ensure safe removal of the
ExpressCard, please click on this icon, select Stop, click OK and then Close, after which
you can safely remove the ExpressCard from the host computer.