Hidden features and controls – Source Audio Hot Hand Wah User Manual
Page 11

Accelerometer x and y-axis interchange
The Hot Hand sensor uses a two axis accelerometer. By default, the Hot
Hand senses acceleration along the x-axis. The x-axis runs parallel to your
arm and the long dimension of the sensor ring. The y-axis is perpendicular
to x, while still being in the plane of an outstretched hand wearing the ring.
We generally find that the x-axis gives better control than the y-axis, but feel
free to experiment, especially if your playing technique is somewhat uncon-
ventional. (Lefties—no, you still want to use x, but the normal and inverted
settings are effectively switched.)
Please note that if you are using the y-axis that you may need to re-calibrate
with your hand and the sensor parallel to the ground (palm down). This will
allow you to set a useful “zero” point for the y-axis.
The use of the x-axis sensor is indicated by the center
. The next
, in
either direction, indicates use of an axis midway between x and y (a 45 degree
angle.) Another step in either direction gets us to the y-axis. The complete set
of 9 choices, from counter-clock-wise:
1. -x
2. Halfway between -x and -y
3. -y
4. Halfway between -y and x
5. x
6. Halfway between x and y
7. y
8. Halfway between y and -x
9. -x
setting on the
control will act to invert whichever axis
direction is chosen.
Expression control output gain trim
This allows adjustment of the level of the signal on the
The default is position 2. This will result in a signal that varies between
zero and 3.3VDC. The maximum output voltage is 4.5VDC. Note that greater
changes in signal can also be produced by faster motion of your hand. Higher
gain will allow you to use slower motions to achieve the desired signal levels.
Check our website for additional usage tips, www.sourceaudio.net.
Restore defaults
When the
knob is set to restore
in the special setting
mode, depressing the
pedal will reset all of the special parameters to
their default settings.
Hidden Features and Controls
We have tried to balance the conflicting requirements of flexibility and
simplicity in this unit. As such, most of the key features of the product are
found using the control knobs as they are labeled and defined in this manual.
However, we recognize that many of you will want to experiment beyond the
typical user, thus we have created a list of controls which are accessible via a
special start-up mode. To avoid getting into trouble, simply read the last point
in this section to get back to the factory settings.
To get into the special setup mode, power up the unit while holding down the
pedal and wait two seconds. The
knobs will
now reflect the current settings. This mode may be exited by power cycling
the unit (without depressing the pedal), or by turning the function selector to
the Calibrate position.
knob now chooses what special parameter to edit.
Calibrate: Exit special setup mode
Classic: Input gain trim
Low Pass Lo: Accelerometer gain trim
Low Pass Hi: Accelerometer x and y axis interchange
Band Pass Lo: Expression control output gain trim
Band Pass Hi: Restore all special settings to default values
display the value of the selected parameter and
turning the knob will adjust the value. There are only 9 values per param-
eter; there are no in-between values. Once a value is changed it will be saved
Input gain trim
This is a gain adjustment applied to the guitar signal immediately after
conversion. The possible values are
, and
8 dB
. Positive
values may be helpful for low level signals. If the input signal is particularly
hot, some attenuation may be required in order that the output of the filter
does not clip.
Accelerometer gain trim
This adjusts the gain multiplier applied to the Hot Hand signals relative to
the zero point from calibration. The lowest gain is
, and the highest is
The default of
is in the center position. The higher gains may be useful if
you like to use small hand motions and the lower gains if you prefer larger
hand motions.
20 | Hidden Features and Controls
Hidden Features and Controls | 21