Floating tare™ (dual range models only), Capacity tracker – Scientech Zeta Series User Manual

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Floating Tare™ (dual range models only):

Floating tare is only active when the balance is in LO range. Floating tare yields low range resolution throughout the entire high range
capacity of the balance. A typical example using floating tare would be where you combine different components by weight to
produce compounds. The procedure is as follows:

Select LO range by pressing the RANGE button until LO briefly appears in the display.


Place container on weighing pan. If the container weight exceeds LO range capacity, OL is displayed. If the container
weight does not exceed the LO range capacity, the container weight is displayed.


Press the ZERO button. The display returns to zeros and LO range.


Add the first component until the target weight is reached. Then press ZERO.


Add the second component until the target weight is reached. Then press ZERO.


Continue until all components have been added.

Floating tare allows you to enter the LO range from anywhere within the full capacity range of the balance. This feature is particularly
useful when adding small amounts to large tare loads and compounding where weights are accumulated. Floating tare is only active
when the balance is in LO range. Pressing the ZERO button returns the display to zeros in LO range. While you are using the floating
tare feature, it is easy to lose track on how much capacity has been used. For this reason the Capacity Tracking feature is a helpful
tool. Please see the discussion under that heading.

Capacity Tracker:

The capacity tracker provides a graphic display of the used and unused portions of the weighing range and is shown in Figures 4 and
5. Each segment represents 10% of the balance's total capacity. As 10% of the balance’s capacity is used the first segment will
illuminate. As 20% of the balance’s capacity is reached the second segment will light and so on.

Selectable Filters, Stability Indicator, and Send-When-Stable:

All balances are equipped with three user-selectable vibration filters which reduce nervous readings in varying weighing conditions.
The balance was delivered to you set in the high filtering mode (Fil HI). This is the most aggressive filtering mode. Normal filtering
(Fil nor) and low filtering (Fil Lo) can be selected for quieter conditions and faster response.

The stability indicator, OK, is illuminated when the balance has determined that all readings are within the stability parameters as
selected by the user. The balance was delivered to you with stability set at ±2 display counts, which is represented by a 2 in step 5
below. You may select stability from ±1 to ±10 display counts manually in step 5 below. If the weight readings are outside the
acceptable limits, the stability indicator will not light. The stability indicator can be disabled, if desired. Also, the send-when-stable
command sends the weight reading over the RS-232 interface whenever the OK light illuminates. The balance was delivered to you
with the send-when-stable command OFF. When it is ON, the auto and continuous send commands (see RS-232 Front Panel
Configuration for details) are not functional.

To enter the selection mode proceed as follows.

User Action

Balance Response

1 Turn the balance off using the ON/OFF


Display blanks.

2 Hold the MODE button down while turning

the balance on using the ON/OFF switch.

The current filter, Fil nor (filtering normal), Fil Lo (filtering low), or Fil HI
(filtering high) and OK are displayed.

3 Press the SEND button until the desired

vibration filter is displayed. Then press the
ZERO button to save the setting.

SAVEd OK is displayed followed by the current stability indicator setting, Si
on (stability indicator will turn on when reading is stable) or Si oFF (stability
indicator will always be turned off).

4 Press the SEND button until the desired

stability indicator Si setting is displayed.
Then press the ZERO button to save the

SAVEd OK is displayed followed by the current stability sensitivity setting
SEnS (the default is ±2 display counts).

5 Press the SEND button until the desired

stability sensitivity display counts setting is
displayed. Then press the ZERO button to
save the setting.

SAVEd OK is displayed followed by the current send-when-stable SS setting
(oFF is the default).

6 Press the SEND button until the desired send

when stable SS command is displayed. Then
press the ZERO button to save the setting.

SAVEd OK is displayed. Then the balance cycles back to Step 2 and shows
the current filter setting.


Press the ON/OFF button.

The display blanks.

8 Press the ON/OFF button.

The balance goes through the turn on sequence and returns to normal
operation with the new vibration filter and stability indicator settings in place.

To return the balance to the default settings repeat steps 1 thru 3, then turn the balance off then back on again.