PS Engineering PM1000II Pilot’s Guide User Manual
Page 4

PM1000II-Pilot Guide & User Manual
allows the use of dissimilar headsets without the frustration of clipping the
first syllables. The PM1000II has three squelch circuits, one for the pilot,
copilot, and one for the passengers. With individual VOX circuits, back-
ground noise is dramatically reduced.
With the engine running, set the squelch control by slowly rotating the
knob(s) (2) and (4) clockwise until you no longer hear the background
noise in the earphones. When the microphone is positioned properly near
the lips, normal speech levels should open the channel. When you have
stopped talking, there is a delay of about one second before the channel
closes. This prevents squelch closure between words, and helps eliminates
choppy intercom conversations.
2.3 Mode Selector (5)
The center switch (5) is a three position mode control that allows the pilot
to tailor the intercom function to suit flight conditions. Regardless of con-
figuration, the pilot will always hear the aircraft radio. NOTE: If there is a
power failure to the PM1000II, or if the power switch is turned off, the
copilot will not hear the aircraft radio. Only the pilot is connected directly
to the aircraft radio.
ISO (Up Position): The pilot is isolated from the intercom and is connected
only to the aircraft radios. He will hear the aircraft radio reception (and
sidetone during radio transmissions). Copilot and passengers will hear
themselves and music but not the aircraft radio traffic.
ALL (Middle position): All parties will hear the aircraft radio, transmit
sidetone from radio, intercom, and music. However, during any ICS or
radio communications, the music volume automatically mutes. The music
volume increases gradually back to the original level after communications
have been completed.
Units without CREW mode (part number 11922) have a bottom switch
position. This is the same as ALL mode.
PM1000II, p/n 11920, Front Panel Controls