The aerocom iii is powered by a – PS Engineering Aerocom III User Manual
Page 3

aerocom® III
Operation Manual
Page 3
Rev 5
September 2013
Push to Talk
Part of the aerocom III operation
includes the use of PTT (Push-To-
Talk) switches (not included) that al-
low the use of your aircraft communi-
cations radio for transmissions.
There are several possible configura-
tions. Only the person pressing their
PTT will be heard over the radio.
If the aircraft has a control wheel
mounted PTT for the pilot, and only
pilot transmission is desired, no action
is required (See Fig. 1).
For copilot transmit capability, a
modified (See Appendix A) external
PTT switch must be connected to the
copilot’s microphone jack.
You must connect the push to talk
switches into the aerocom III micro-
phone inputs, and then insert your
headset into the PTT cable (Fig. 2).
A/C Panel,
Mic and Headphone jacks
aerocom III
Pilot Headset
Copilot Headset
Fig. 1– Pilot PTT built-in control wheel
Fig 2– Pilot built-in, copilot PTT with external switch
A/C Panel,
Mic and Headphone jacks
aerocom III
Pilot Headset
Copilot Headset
If there is no PTT installed, and only
the pilot position desires to transmit,
connect a remote PTT between the
aerocom III and aircraft mic jack, as
shown in Fig 3.
If both pilot and copilot positions are
to talk on the radio, two modified (see
Appendix A) external PTT switches
are required, as shown in Fig 4.
Most after-market Push to Talk
switches must be modified before use
with the aerocom III. This is because
the microphone audio circuit is opened
by the switch, and no signal can reach
the intercom when not transmitting.
See Appendix A. PS Engineering can
provide a modified PTT for $24.95.
Call 1-800-ICS-AERO to order.
Input Power
The aerocom III is powered by a
A/C Panel,
Mic and Headphone jacks
aerocom III
Pilot Headset
Copilot Headset
Fig. 4– Pilot and copilot PTT using MODIFIED portable switches
A/C Panel,
Mic and Headphone jacks
aerocom III
Pilot Headset
Copilot Headset
Fig. 3– Pilot ONLY PTT with portable switch