PS Engineering PMA8000 Installation Manual User Manual
Page 19

PS Engineering
PMA8000 Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 3-1
Revsion 10, September 2005
This section provides detailed operating instructions for the PS Engineering PMA8000, Audio Selector
Panel/Intercom Systems. Please read it carefully before using the equipment so that you can take full ad-
vantage of its capabilities.
This section is divided into four sections covering the basic operating areas of the PMA8000 systems. They
are Communications Transceiver Selection, Audio Selector, Intercom, and Marker Beacon Receiver.
Figure 3-1 PMA8000 front panel
Power Switch (1) (EMG-Fail Safe Operation)
Unit power is turned on and off by pushing the volume knob. In the
or "EMG" position, the pilot is
connected directly to Com 1. This allows communication capability regardless of unit condition. Any time
power is removed or turned
, the audio selector will be placed in the fail-safe mode.
The power switch also controls the audio selector panel functions, intercom and marker beacon receiver.
Microphone (2) (XMT) Selection (All models)
There are four pushbuttons associated with the communications transceivers. The lower buttons (item 2)
control which transceiver is selected for transmit, the top row of COM 1 and COM 2 allows selection of
the receive audio.
The PMA8000 gives priority to the pilot’s PTT. If the copilot is transmitting, and the pilot presses his PTT,
the pilot’s microphone will be transferred to the selected com transmitter.
The PMA8000-Series has an automatic selector mode. Audio from the selected transceiver is automatically
heard in the headsets and speaker (if selected). You can check this function by switching from C
1 to
2 XMT mode and watch the selected RCV light on the selector change from COM 1 to COM 2. This
ensure the pilot will always hear the audio from the transceiver he is transmitting on.
When switching from C
1 to C
2, while C
2 audio had been selected, Com 1 audio will continue
to be heard. This eliminates the pilot having to switch Com 1 audio back on, if desired.
When switching from C
1 to C
2 while Com 2 has NOT been selected, Com 1 audio will be switched
off. In essence, switching the mic selector will not effect the selection of Com receiver audio.
In TEL mode, the pilot microphone and headphones are connected to the cell phone. The pilot PTT will
switch the pilot mic to the selected com transceiver, and allow continued aircraft communications to con-
The copilot will also be able to transmit on the other selected radio with his PTT as well.