Checking the radio system – Pro Boat PRB3150 User Manual

Page 8

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The control arm should move toward the

back of the boat when right input is given.

Conversely, when left input is given, the

control arm should move toward the front of

the boat.

The ESC will beep until you give full throttle

input. Do not hold full throttle for more

than a brief moment or damage to the drive

system and electronics may occur from

over-revving. Once the boat is in the water,

full throttle may be held indefinitely. The

auto sensing circuitry will select full throttle

position when you hold full throttle during

initial setup. Release the throttle trigger.

With the propeller free from any objects,

give some throttle input to ensure the motor

is working. If everything appears to be

functioning correctly, you are ready to run

your boat.

Note: The auto sensing voltage cutoff will

also cut off power to the motor when the

ESC senses the batteries are nearing full

discharge. To reset, return the throttle

trigger to neutral.
Note: If you are transporting your boat,

make sure you disconnect the battery from

the speed controller and then turn your

radio off until you are ready to run the boat.

Once ready, simply turn the radio on and

plug the battery into the speed controller,

again making sure the boat is in neutral.

Right Turn

Checking the Radio System

Right Turn