Pro Boat PRB2550 User Manual
Pro Boat Water equipment

Length .......................................................................................45.25 in (1131.3mm)
Beam ........................................................................................... 23.75 in (593.8mm)
Engine ............................................................. Zenoah
G26M and Tuned Exhaust
Speed .............................................................................................................+35 MPH
Radio System ........................................................................ JR
XR3i FM 75MHz
Propeller .................................................................................................. Prather 270
1/8-Scale Miss LLumar Unlimited Hydroplane
Owner's Manual
Document Outline
- Limited Warranty & Limits of Liability
- Additional Required Items
- Suggested Field Equipment and Supplies
- Contents
- Section 1: Building the Boat Stand
- Section 2: Attaching the Turn Fin
- Section 3: Removing the Canopy
- Section 4: Installing the Radio System Batteries
- Section 5: Installing the Rudder
- Section 6: Propeller Balancing
- Section 7: Fueling the Tank
- Section 8: Fuel/Oil Mixture
- Section 9: Range Check the XR3i Radio System
- Section 10: Starting the Engine
- Section 11: Stopping the Engine
- Section 12: Initial Launch of the Miss Llumar
- Section 13: Cooling System
- Section 14: Clutch
- Section 15: Troubleshooting Guide
- Section 16: Hull Care
- Section 17: Maintenance
- Section 18: Replacement Parts
- Appendix