Pro Boat PRB2700 User Manual

Page 7

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Transmitter Batteries

1. Remove the transmitter from the box.

2. Remove the battery cover on the bottom

of the transmitter.

3. Note the proper polarity and insert 8 “AA”

batteries into the transmitter.

4. Turn on the radio and confirm that all

LEDs illuminate, indicating proper installation
of fresh batteries.

Section 4: Range Checking the Pro Boat Radio System

Before the first run of the Vortex 46, you should
check the radio for proper operation and to ensure
proper control movement of the rudder and
throttle. Also ensure that the antenna on the boat
is extended properly and that all batteries are in
working condition.

1. With the radio system turned on (transmitter

then receiver) and the transmitter antenna down
(engine off), walk off 40 to 50 paces from the
Vortex 46.

2. Have an assistant remain with the boat to

check for proper control movement of the
rudder from your transmitter input.

3. If everything appears to be operating

correctly, raise the transmitter antenna and start
the engine (refer to Section 6 of this manual and
to the separate Evolution .46 engine manual).
Place the boat in the water and run it (at about
1/3 throttle) close to the shoreline. If the radio
system is operating properly, you can begin to
run the boat faster and further away from the

Note: It is a good idea to range
check prior to operating your boat
after any repair, installation of new
batteries, or at the beginning of
each boating season.

Section 3: Receiver and Transmitter Batteries (cont)

5. Turn on the receiver by pulling up on the

receiver switch harness lever. Move the throttle
stick forward and confirm that the throttle
barrel opens. Move the rudder stick left and
right, confirming that the rudder is centered
with the steering gimbal at rest and that the
reversing switches are in the correct position.

6. To keep the boat from receiving stray signals

the transmitter should be turned on first,
followed by the receiver. Likewise, the boat
should be turned off first before the transmitter.