Step 1: inspection, Step 2: installation of transmitter batteries, Step 3: installation of the 7.2v ni-cd battery – Pro Boat PRB2100 User Manual

Page 2: Step 4: checking the radio system, Step 5: testing your boat in the water, Step 6: maintenance, Replacement parts

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Step 1: Inspection

Carefully remove the boat and radio transmitter from the box.
Inspect the boat and make sure that no damage is present. If you
notice damage, please contact the hobby shop from where you
purchased it.

Step 2: Installation of
Transmitter Batteries

Install 8 “AA” alkaline batteries into the transmitter, following the
instructions provided for your radio system.

Step 3: Installation of
the 7.2V Ni-Cd Battery

Turn on your transmitter, making sure that the radio is in neutral.
Carefully remove the hatch (scale seating area of your boat.).
Install a fully charged 7.2V Ni-Cd battery into the radio box.
Follow the instructions included with your fast charger to ensure
a safe charge. Plug the battery into the female battery connector
attached to the electronic speed controller.

Step 4: Checking the
Radio System

Turn the transmitter on and check for correct operation. The
rudder control arm should move toward the front of the boat
when right input is given. Conversely, when left input is given,
the control arm should move toward the back of the boat.

Note: Built into the speed controller is an arming switch.
To enable motor operation, you will need to push the red
arming button. Every time the speed controller is turned on,
it will be necessary to push this button before the motor
will function.

With the propeller free from any objects, give some throttle

input to ensure that the motor is working. If everything appears
to be functioning correctly, you are ready to run your boat!

Note: If you are transporting your boat, make sure that you
disconnect the battery from the speed controller and then turn
your radio off until you are ready to run the boat. Once ready,
simply turn the radio on and plug the battery into the speed
controller, again making sure that the boat is in neutral.

Step 5: Testing your
boat in the water

Make sure that the radio is on and the battery is plugged into the
speed controller and motor. Push the red arming button and then
carefully place the boat in the water. Pilot the boat at slow
speeds, staying close to the shoreline to ensure that you have
good control. Be certain to avoid all objects in the water at all
times. Once you feel comfortable with the control of your boat, it
is safe to go further from the shore and at faster speeds. When
you notice the boat is losing speed, bring the boat carefully back
to shore before you lose complete power to the motor. It will
be necessary to replace or recharge the battery before heading
out again.

Step 6: Maintenance

Before and at the end of each run, make sure that all screws are
tight and that the propeller is free from any entanglement.

Note: Running the SunDancer in salt water could cause
parts to rust. Rinse thoroughly after each use.

If you have any questions concerning the setup or running of
the SunDancer, please call the Horizon Service Center at
(217) 355-8734.

Replacement Parts


Replacement Hull


Electric Motor


Dog Bone and Joints


Rudder Assembly




Drive Shaft


Replacement Hand Rail


Antenna Tube


Servo Tape


Pushrod Connector


Rudder Push Rod


Rubber Boot


Decal Sheet


Electronic Speed Controller

© Copyright 2001, Horizon Hobby, Inc.
