Cecilware VAE-J1 User Manual
Page 12

espresso coffee machine - instructions for the user
- english
Dispensing coffee
• put the coffee cup under the dispensing spout;
• press the desired dose key:
wait for dispensing to finish (LED comes on);
• to stop coffee delivery in advance, press the delivery key again or press the STOP key;
• to obtain continuous delivery of coffee select the CONT key. To interrupt delivery press CONT again or the STOP key;
• if the push button panel malfunctions or is locked, use the manual switch located near the push button panel.
The timer measures the time and not the amount of coffee in the cup. The same programming may provide different amounts
of coffee depending on how the coffee is ground.
1) Press and hold down the STOP/PROG key (1) for 5 seconds and check that all of the LED on the push button panel come on. This confirms
correct entry into the programming phase.
2) Press on of the two dose keys (2) to program. The LED corresponding to the CONT key (continue) and to the key of the dose being
programmed stay on.
3) When the desired amount of coffee in the cup has been reached, press the STOP/PROG key (1) or the key of the dose being programmed
to stop delivery and memorize the new value (the duration of the dose of coffee is calculated in seconds). At the same time, the LED for
the dose which is still to be programmed comes back on, while the LED for the programmed dose stays off.
4) Proceed with the programming of the other coffee dose by pressing the other dose key. Once the desired amount of coffee in the cup
has been reached, press the dose key or the STOP/PROG again (1).
5) To exit programming, press and hold down the STOP/PROG (1) key for more than 5 seconds.
It is possible to re-program the coffee dose that you have just fi nished programming (LED off) without necessarily having
to turn the system off and back on or exiting the programming phase.
The programming of every dose must be done with ground coffee and not with previously used grounds.
The system automatically exits programming status approximately 10 seconds after the last operation.
In some previous versions of AEAP-SMAT machines, push button panels are
installed with time adjustment by means of a trimmer (4): using a screwdriver
to turn clockwise increases delivery time, turning counter-clockwise reduces
delivery time.