Cecilware JAVACCINO3-IT User Manual

Cafe classic

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Cafe Classic

Cafe Classic

Cafe Classic

Dispensers For Freeze Dried / Soluble Coffee, Espresso and Cappuccino

Microprocessor Technology

Has a User Friendly Walk Thru Menu

Easy Setup

Touch Pad Control Panel

“IT” Sets Water Temperature

“IT” Sets Low Temperature Lockout

”IT” Sets Gram Throw

“IT” Sets Serving Size

“IT” Remembers The # of Cups Dispensed

“IT” Remembers The Total Oz. Dispensed

“IT” Diagnoses Electrical Problems

“IT” Sets Dispense Mode for Free Flow

and Portion Control

“IT” Sets Rinse Time

”IT” Sets Rinse Warning Lockout


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What Is “IT”?

What Is “IT”?

When deciding on a dispenser to fit your

business, choose one that dispenses fast, works

efficiently and is user friendly. Choose one that

has an easy to read “LCD” Display and the most

up to date Microprocessor Technology available.

You may even decide to choose one that sets

up in seconds and dispenses in either Free Flow

or Portion Control mode.

Cecilware’s hot beverage dispensers with “IT”

Microprocessor provides an operator with total

operating control. With “IT”, there’s no reason to

rely on blinking lights to set up or change the

dispenser settings. “IT”s LCD display simply walks

an operator through all functions. “IT” also displays

diagnostic messages for easy servicing.

So choose the dispenser with Intelligent Technology

“IT’s” The Intelligent Choice!

“IT” Does Much More!

“IT” Does Much More!