Screen mode settings screen custom mode settings, 12 3 4 adjusting the user screen – COBY electronic TF-TV3209 User Manual
Page 22

Press [P.MODE] to recall a pre-set screen type
Screen Mode Settings
Screen Custom Mode Settings
< Before Starting >
The <Mode> needs to be changed to <Manual> in the menu.
Press [
] and move to a menu, then press [OK].
-An additional adjustment bar will appear.
Press [
] and move to a location, then press [OK].
-Press [
] to move to <Brightness>, <Contrast>,
<Sharpness>, <Color> or <Tint>.
Press [EXIT] to exit the menu.
Adjusting the user screen
Press [MENU]. -The menu will appear.
Press [
] to move to <Picture>, then press [OK].
-The <Picture> Menu will appear.
Press [
] to move to <Mode>, then press [OK].
-The <Mode> Menu will appear.
Press [] to select a screen mode.
<Standard>, <Dynamic>, <Mild>, <Manual> can be selected
Press [EXIT] to exit the menu.
Press [P.MODE].
Each press of the button changes the picture mode from
Screen Mode
Standard : The manufacturer default for the optimal conditions, status.
Dynamic : Select this for a brighter screen. You will be able to see the
screen more clearly.
: Select this for a darker screen. It has the advantage of saving
power and making your eyes less tired.
Manual : You can select your own defined screen setting conditions.
Screen Adjustment Menu
Brightness : Brightens or darkens the screen.
Contrast : Adjusts the difference in brightness between objects
and the background.
Sharpness : Controls blurring and transparency.
: Controls the color signal strength.
: Adds red or green to the picture.
Useful Tips
☛ AAddjjuusstteedd vvaalluueess wwiillll bbee ssaavveedd aass aa < Maannuuaall> > m mooddee vvaalluuee.. ☛ Screen mode and custom value adjustments will be saved individually ((TTVV,, EExxtteerrnnaall IInnppuuttss
11 aanndd 22,, SS--VViiddeeoo,, eettcc..))