Connecting a vcr, Connecting a dvd player, 12 3 connecting the video / sound cables – COBY electronic TF-TV3209 User Manual
Page 14: 12 watching a vcr, 12 connecting to a dvd player, 12 viewing a dvd

Connecting a VCR
Connect the antenna cable to the Antenna input of the rear panel of the VCR.
Use the video cable to connect the [AV1 video input] or [AV2 video input] (yellow)
terminal at the back of the TV to the [video Output] (Yellow) of the VCR.
Use the sound cable to connect the [AV1 sound input left / right] or [AV2
sound input left / right] (white/red) terminal at the back of the TV to the
[sound output] (white/red) of the VCR.
Connecting the video / sound cables
Turn on the TV and press the [INPUT] button, then select <AV1> or <AV2>.
If <external input> mode is not selected, check your video connection.
Turn on the VCR and press the play button.
Watching a VCR
External devices may have different terminals for the same functions.
Useful Tips
☛ If there is a terminal called [S-Video Output],
connect the TV [S-Video Input] terminal to the
VCR [S-video output] terminal. Connect the
sound cable to the [Video2 / S-Video Input
left / right] (white / red).
Useful Tips
☛ W
Whheenn ccoonnnneeccttiinngg aa TTV
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wiitthh aann
Viiddeeoo ccaabbllee,, pprreessss tthhee [[IIN
UTT]] bbuuttttoonn
ttoo sseelleecctt <
VIID DE EO O> >.. VIDEO1 Connecting a DVD Player Use the component video cable to connect the [COMPONENT 1 video input] Use the sound cable to connect the [COMPONENT1 sound input left/right] or 1 2 Connecting to a DVD player Turn on the TV, press the [INPUT] button, then select <COMPONENT 1> (If Turn on the DVD player and press the play button on the DVD player. 1 2 Viewing a DVD External devices may have different connecting terminals. Useful Tips ☛ CCoommppoonneenntt oouuttppuutt tteerrmmiinnaallss mmaayy bbee llaabbeelleedd eeiitthheerr ""YYU UVV"" oorr ""YY,, PPbb//CCbb,, PPrr//CCrr"".. ☛ IIff tthhee DDTTVV rreecceeiivveerr ssuuppppoorrttss DDVVII,, iitt mmaayy bbee ccoonnnneecctteedd vviiaa aann HHDDM MII oorr DDVVII ccaabbllee iinnsstteeaadd ooff aa ccoom mppoonneenntt ccaabbllee.. Useful Tips ☛ When connecting the [TV] and the [DVD] with the HDMI cable, press the [INPUT] HDMI Rear of the TV VCR or Sound Cable Video Cable S-Video Connector Rear of the TV DVD Audio Cable Component Cable
or [COMPONENT 2 video input Y, Pb, Pr] (Green/Blue/Red) terminal at the
back of the TV to the [Component output] on the DVD player.
the [COMPONENT2 sound input left/right] (white/red) input terminal to the
[sound output] (white/red) output terminal of the DVD player.
button and select