O.S. Engines GT60 User Manual

Two stroke gasoline engine for airplanes
It is of vital importance, before attempting to operate your
engine, to read the general 'SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
AND WARNINGS' in the following section and to strictly
adhere to the advice contained therein.
Also, please study the entire contents of this
instruction manual, so as to familiarize yourself with
the controls and other features of the engine.
The advice which follows is grouped under two
headings according to the degree of damage or
danger which might arise through misuse or
These cover events which might involve serious
(in extreme circumstances, even fatal) injury.
These cover the many other possibilities, generally
less obvious sources of danger, but which, under
certain circumstances, may also cause damage or
Remember that your engine is not a " toy ", but a
highly efficient internal-combustion machine
whose power is capable of harming you, or others,
if it is misused or abused. As owner, you, alone,
are responsible for the safe operation of your
engine, so act with discretion and care at all times.
If at some future date, your O.S. engine is acquired
by another person, we would respectfully request
that these instructions are also passed on to its
new owner.
If you have to carry the model to the take-off point
with the engine running, be especially cautious.
Keep the propeller pointed away from you and walk
well clear of spectators.
Switch off the ignition module to stop the engine or
fully close the throttle valve via the transmitter to
shut off the fuel supply. Otherwise there is a
possibility of injury.
Immediately after the engine is stopped, the engine
may start with a crank even when the igniter switch
is off. Do not crank the engine, or there is a
possibility of injury.
Be sure to install an externally operable switch for
the ignition system battery to stop the engine if it is
started unintentionally with the radio transmitter
turned off or there is the possibility of injury.
Connect the throttle linkage so that the engine can
be stopped via radio operation.
Always check the throttle linkage.If it is disconnected,
throttle action becomes uncontrollable, which may
result in a serious accident.
Take care that loose clothing (ties, shirt sleeves,
scarves, etc.) do not come into contact with the
propeller. Do not carry loose objects (such as
pencils, screwdrivers, etc.) in a shirt pocket from
where they could fall through the propeller arc.
Use an electric starter for this engine. The wearing of
safety glasses is also strongly recommended.
If you try hand starting, be sure to use a chicken stick
or heavy glove. Never attempt to start the engine
with a bare hand.
Be sure to carry out adjustments of the high speed
needle and slow speed needle after stopping the
Do not start your engine in an area containing loose
gravel or sand. The propeller may throw such
material in your face and eyes and cause injury.
Discard any propeller which has become split,
cracked, nicked or otherwise rendered unsafe.
Never attempt to repair such a propeller: destroy it.
Do not modify a propeller in any way.
Install the propeller on the shaft so that the curved
face of the blades faces forward – i.e. in the direction
of flight. Firmly tighten the propeller washer and
propeller installing screws using the correct size
wrench. Always check the tightness of propeller
installing screws and retighten them, if necessary,
before starting the engine. Also, check the tightness
of all the screws and nuts before restarting the
When checking a spark plug with the power source
on, do not hold the plug, plug cap, high tension cord ,
or you will get a shock.
Install a top-quality propeller of the diameter and
pitch specified for the engine and aircraft.
Any propeller requires utmost attention to handle.
Be sure to follow the instruction manual supplied with
a propeller.
This engine was designed for model aircraft.
Do not attempt to use it for any other purpose.
Start the engine only after installing it in the model.
Do not start the engine before installing it in the
model, or there is a possibility of injury.
Be sure to use an effective silencer (muffler).
Frequent exposure to an open exhaust may
eventually impair your hearing. Such noise is also
likely to cause annoyance to others over a wide area.
Mount the engine in your model securely, following
the manufacturers’ recommendations.
For their safety, keep all onlookers (especially small
children) well back (at least 10 meters) when
preparing your model for flight.
Model engines generates considerable
heat. Do not touch any part of your engine
until it has cooled. Contact with the muffler
(silencer), cylinder head or exhaust header
pipe, in particular, may results in a serious
Observe the laws and regulations in each
country and district concerning the usage,
transportation and storage of gasoline. Ask
details at fire station in each district.
Never operate your engine in an enclosed space.
Model engines, like automobile engines, exhaust
deadly carbon-monoxide. Run your engine only
in an open area.
Do not operate the engine nor model alone, or
there is a possibility of injury.
Carry out the mixing of the gasoline and
oil outdoors or in a well ventilated place
away from any source of fire to prevent the
possibility of a fire.
Refill the fuel tank only after the engine is
well cooled down, or there is a danger of
Never touch, or allow any object to come
into contact with the rotating propeller and
do not crouch over the engine when it is
Gasoline is poisonous. Do not allow it
come into contact with the eyes or mouth.
Always store it in a clearly marked
container in a cool and dark place and out
of the reach of children. There is a
possibility that it may damage your health.
Gasoline is highly flammable. Keep it away
from an open flame, excessive heat,
sources of sparks, or anything else which
might cause it to ignite. Do not smoke or
allow anyone else to smoke near to it.
This engine is designed for experienced fliers.
Beginners and newcomers should not use this engine.
The engine unit, silencer and carburetor are
specially designed.
The normal rotation direction of the engine is
counterclockwise facing to the propeller.
It offers broad power characteristics suitable for
sport flight as well as acro flight.
The specially designed ignition module “IG-02” is
equipped with a micro computer and designed not to
operate below 120 rpm.
The new E-6020 silencer develops very efficient silencing.
The engine can be easily choked for starting by
connecting a choke rod (not supplied) to the
carburetor choke lever.
Spark Plug CM-6
Exhaust Gasket
Ignition module
Assembly (IG-02)
E-6020 Silencer
Battery Leads
Sensor Leads
High Tension Cord
Spark Plug
Cylinder Block
Rear Housing
Carburetor Complete
Sensor Leads
E-6020 Silencer
Use a tank designed for gasoline. (Tanks designed
for glow fuel use a rubber cap which is deteriorated
by gasoline.)
A 600cc tank will provide 12~13 minutes flight.
(With full throttle, it will provide 7~8 minutes flight.)
Install a commercially available gasoline fuel filter
between fuel tank and carburetor. (Clean the filter
from time to time.)
For plumbing use TYGON F-4040 (Yellow color) or
strong nitrile rubber of more than 3mm ID and 6mm
OD. Replace tubing periodically as it becomes
hardened. (Replace tubing inside the fuel tank every
six months.)
Use a strong enough material for the mounting face
of the model, such as birch ply firewall of more than
8mm thick.
Make sure the mounting face of the model is flat. If it is
uneven, work on it to be flat. (When shims are added
to change the thrust angle, work on it to be flat.)
Engine mounting face has been high-precision
machined flat. Make sure mounting face of the
model is also flat.
Use 5mm steel hex socket head bolts to install the
engine. (Do not use brass, soft steel nor aluminum
screws, because they are not strong enough.) Also,
use the Nord Lock Washers (optional extra) and
other anti-loosening washers or apply locking agent.
Be sure that there is sufficient air intake and outlet
area on the model for engine cooling to avoid
overheating. (Pay careful attention to the cooling
since a gasoline engine generates more heat than a
glow engine.)
Secure at least a 30mm dia. area around the air
intake of the carburetor so that the air intake will not
be restricted. (Cut out the firewall big enough if
RPM Sensor
Drive Spacer
Pilot Shaft
Propeller Washer
Cap Screw M5x45
Propeller Washer
Cap Screw M5x50
M5 Washer
Front Housing
Use fuel line keepers of stainless wire, etc. at the
end of the tubing to prevent at from coming off.
This engine does not require a muffler pressurized
fuel system but be sure to provide an air vent.
#38608 GT60 w/o muffler does not include the above
muffler set.