O.S. Engines 25XZ User Manual
Page 12

Next, disconnect the glowplug battery and try
running the car on the track. If the engine
stalls, open the throttle fractionally, but try to
keep the engine running as rich as possible:
if it stops because of being excessively rich,
close the Needle-Valve 30˚ and try again.
Run the car on the track until one tank of fuel
has been consumed, then close the Needle-
Valve 30˚ and run the car for another full tank
of fuel. Repeat this procedure until approx. 2
liters of fuel have been consumed, during which
time the throttle may be opened for brief bursts
of increased power. If the engine stops at
medium speeds, close the Mixture Screw 45˚.
throttle trigger
If the engine is allowed to run with the throttle
too far open under ''no load'' conditions (i.e.
with the driving wheels not in contact with the
ground) it will rapidly over-heat and may be
seriously damaged.
It is vitally important to set the
throttle at the correct position
before starting the engine.
When the engine starts, warm it up by
repeatedly increasing the rpm to medium
speed and back again to a fast idle with the
mixture set very rich, the glowplug
connected, and the driving wheels clear of
the ground. The rich mixture will provide
adequate lubrrication and cooling indicated
by profuse exhaust smoke.
The position of the needle-valve
when starting the engine.
Close the needle-valve approx.
30˚ after running the vehicle for
one full tank of fuel.
Repeat this procedure several
In the event of any major working parts
(e.g. piston/cylinder liner assembly) being
replaced or the fuel being changed,
especially to high nitro fuel, the complete
running-in should be repeated.
Do not touch rotating parts, engine and si-
lencer when stopping the engine as they
become very hot, and contact with them
may result in a serious burn.
To stop the engine, close the throttle to idle
speed and shut it off completely with the trim
lever on the transmitter then cut off the fuel
supply by pinching the fuel delivery tube to
the carburetor.
How to stop the engine