Cambridge Audio Azur 640A User Manual

Page 7

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540A/640A Integrated amplifier


monitor doubles up as the standard tape/recording medium input.

Note: W

When cconnecting aa ssource ccomponent tthat hhas bboth aan iinput aand

output ii.e. aa ttape rrecorder, tthe ooutput oof w

which sshould aalways bbe

connected tto tthe TTape M

Mon iinput. TThis w

will eeliminate hhowlround iif tthe

wrong iinput cchannel iis sselected.

Tape oout

These sockets can be connected to a tape deck or to the analog sockets
on a MiniDisc or CD recorder. Connect an interconnect cable from the
Tape Out sockets of this amplifier to the recorder's Line In. Please note
that this unit has two tape loops which have identical outputs.

CD/Tuner/DVD/AV/MD iinput ssockets

These inputs are suitable for any 'line level' source equipment such as
CD players, DAB or FM/AM tuners etc.

Aux/Phono iinput ssockets

Connect any 'line level' source equipment to these sockets i.e. CD player
or DAB tuner. Alternatively this particular input can be converted to a
dedicated turntable if desired although to do this a Cambridge Audio
PM01 Phono Module must be fitted. Please contact your Cambridge
Audio dealer who can supply and install a phono stage to your amplifier.

These iinputs aare ffor aanalog aaudio ssignals oonly. TThey sshould nnot bbe
connected tto tthe ddigital ooutput oof aa C

CD pplayer oor aany oother ddigital ddevice.

Ground cconnection

If you are connecting a turntable to your amplifier then its ground wire
should be attached to this point

This manual is related to the following products: