Mariner Software Contour for Windows User Manual
Page 50
That takes us to the end of the first half of Act II. Itʼs simple and complex at the same time; there are certain
things that have to be kept in mind, such as creating interesting situations, creating intriguing characters, and
creating increasingly difficult obstacles. However, once you understand the simple mechanics of the yes/no re-
versals of Act II, you will have a leg up on the writing process.
Michael Hauge, in his excellent book Writing Screenplays That Sell
gives excellent insight when it comes to
Your story must “enable a sympathetic character to overcome a series of increasingly diffi-
cult, seemingly insurmountable obstacles and achieve a compelling desire.”
If you notice, Mr. Hauge didnʼt say:
“enable a character to overcome obstacles in order to achieve a desire”;
he said that the character is a “sympathetic” character.
The obstacles are:
“increasingly difficult, seemingly insurmountable.”
The desire is:
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