Plot point 11, Plot point 12 – Mariner Software Contour for Mac User Manual
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Plot Point 11
The Deflector or Antagonist threatens to take the Stakes Character from the Hero.
This is a beat which the Hero may or may not be aware of as itʼs happening.
• In STAR WARS, this beat is the start of the interrogation scene where Darth Vader enters the Princessʼs
cell with his nasty floating droid. Luke is unaware that this is going on, has no connection yet with the
Princess outside of knowing her situation, but the scene serves to make the audience anxious for Luke
to start being heroic and go save her.
• In a similar vein in LIAR, LIAR, Fletcher starts his descent into honesty hell in earnest, being completely
compelled to tell the truth in every situation. The end result of this is a conversation with his ex-wife where
he tells the truth about why he didnʼt come to Maxʼs party This admission is enough to make his ex-wife
talk to Max about moving away.
Plot Point 12
The Hero decides that he must act to save the Stakes Character
This is it. . . the call to adventure can no longer be refused. The Hero is forced out of complacency and must
start looking to create a new equilibrium in his life. His life cannot be the same from this point forward.
• In STAR WARS, Luke returns to Obi-Wan and tells him that he wants to go to Alderaan and learn the
ways of the force like his father.
• In AMERICAN BEAUTY, Lester sees Angela performing at the half-time show and is transfixed.
• In THE SIXTH SENSE, Dr. Crowe tells his wife of the similarities between Cole and the suicidal patient,
Vincent, saying that if he can save Cole, he can somehow make up for failing Vincent.
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