Make Noise STO User Manual
Page 9

Calibrating the STO
Requires small flat head screw driver or trimmer tool, tuned reference signal, oscilloscope.
NOTE: if you plan to use the STO with another VCO or Synth in your system (even another STO or Make
Noise DPO), it is a good idea to use that VCO/Synth for your reference signal, assuming it is calibrated to
your satisfaction. The same is true of the quantizer or MIDI to CV interface. Use the unit within your system.
If you use one, a digital midi controlled soft synth is also a nice reference signal and note generator. Be
certain the reference is not processed in any way by effects or filters or any other processes.
1V/ Octave Scale
Trim for 1V/ Octave Scaling (3) are accessed from the front of the module so that user need not remove the
module from the system to calibrate 1V/ Octave Scaling. Calibrate the STO while installed in the system in
which it will be utilized.
1.Monitor STO SINE (1).
2. Patch quantizer or MIDI to CV interface to 1V/ Octave INput (5).
3. Patch this same quantizer or MIDI to CV signal to the reference oscillator and monitor together with the
STO SINE. If using digital/soft synth for reference, just pass midi note to MIDI to CV interface connected to
3. Send note C6 to the both DPO VCO B and your reference oscillator, and adjust the FREQ (2) and FINE
TUNE (4) Panel Controls so the STO pitch matches that of the reference
4. Send note C3 to the both STO and your reference oscillator, and adjust the 1V/Octave Trimmer (3) on the
STO so the pitch matches that of the reference.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until satisfaction or exhaustion is achieved.
6. Check across 4 or 5 octaves and adjust if necessary. The STO will track musically. Expect variance
across 4 octaves. Get the tuning so it is useful to you, and move on to making noise.