Make Noise Pressure Points User Manual

Page 7

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Pressure Points is a controller in which 1 of 4 sets of 3 tuned voltages are selected by touching the

corresponding printed copper wire at the bottom of the instrument. Touching Pressure Points, you become

part of the circuit, generating a gate signal (Gate OUT), a control signal proportional to the amount of

pressure applied (Press OUT) and activating the corresponding Stage. The Tuned Voltages for the activated

Stage appear at their respective X, Y and Z OUTs. In this way, Pressure Points is like an analog sequencer

that is played by hand.

Stages can also be selected via clock inputs with the expander module




2 pots allow the circuit to be adjusted for desired playing response. Up to 4 of these modules may be

CHAINed together to create controllers of varying size and complexity. The Gate and Press OUTS are

normalized to their respective Combined BUS which is output at the last Gate or Press OUT in the CHAIN.


The Pressure Points requires the development of a technique, and CLEAN, BARE Hands. Touching the

upper-most portion of the touchplate with as little of your finger as needed to activate the circuit, will

generate a Gate and select the corresponding Stage. The 3 Tuned Voltages, as set by the column of 3

Potentiometers above the touchplate, appear at their respective X, Y and Z OUTs. Laying more of your finger

down on the touchplate, and pressing harder, will generate a pressure control voltage proportional to amount

flesh mashed into the copper of the touchplate. Pressing harder, more of your flesh comes into contact with

a sensitive point in the circuit, hence the name Pressure Points. Set the Touch Sensitivity Adjustment

Potentiometer further CW so that you may slide effortlessly and quickly from stage to stage, or set it more

CCW when you want greater control over the Press Control Signal. If you cannot obtain the desired

response, you might need to adjust the internal Digit Trimmer to compensate for size & moisture of your

digits as well as playing technique and style of installation (vertical, horizontal, angled). This requires a

trimmer tool or jeweler's screwdriver, and access to the module from the right side, where the Digit Trimmer

is located on the circuit board. Please turn the power for Pressure Points OFF while adjusting the trimmer.

Default setting for Digit Trimmer is 40% CW. Setting more CW will increase sensitivity for smaller and/ or

dryer fingers, or for Vertical installations. Due to the complex nature of the human finger, you will need to

experiment with settings to achieve the best playing response.

CHAINing Pressure Points:

Requires the 10 PIN CHAIN Cable, which is available where ever Pressure Points is sold, and the proper

setting of jumpers on the modules to be CHAINed. Refer to the drawing on opposing page. All modules in

the CHAIN will need to be connected to the power supply via their supplied power cables.

CARE for Pressure Points like you would most instruments, keeping it clean and avoiding the destruction of

it's playing surface. Use a soft, dry cloth such as the 3M Microfiber Lens Cleaning Cloth.