Make Noise DPO User Manual
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The DPO is a voltage controlled oscillator designed for generating complex waveforms and
implementing FM synthesis within the analog domain. Expanding on the classic arrangement
of Primary and Modulator Oscillators, the DPO has both of the VCOs operable as complex
signal sources. It is in essence a Dual Primary Oscillator.
The DPO is also designed for fast live sound creation. The module groups functionality
intuitively to make complex patching move more quickly, while still interacting in an exciting
way with all other modules.
Dynamic FM, Circular FM, Hard Sync and Additive Harmonic synthesis processes are all
achieved with internal routing on the DPO. The idea being that the artist will utilize patch
cables to expand upon these standard concepts or interrupt them completely by simply
patching into the associated modulation destinations.
The DPO has two modulation buses, each with multiple destinations, the depth of which is
adjustable per destination. The original 259 style modulation routing is split within the DPO
into dedicated FM and Mod buses and switching jacks are utilized to create internal routings
that may be undone by patching an external signal to the CV inputs. The attenuator
associated with the destination CV input sets the final depth while the MOD and FM INDEX
controls will act as the dynamic master depth controls.
Throughout the DPO opto-isolators, commonly called Vactrols, are utilized as gain cells, and
the result is that the module will have a slow and organic response to control signals. This
manifests itself in the smooth crossfading and phase reversal of the SHAPE parameter, for
The DPO is a 100% analog, vintage voiced musical instrument and is not suitable for
laboratory use.