Lake Lite LL-SDL-EZ User Manual
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Battery & Top Installation
For more detailed instructions and information about changing LED’s visit
Changing LED Colors & LED Installation
LED’s -
Sold Separately
Mounting Instructions :
NOTE: DO NOT worry if you accidently plug the LED in backwards it will NOT damage anything it simply will not illuminate.
Simply turn it around and reinsert into the socket if you incur this problem.
NOTE: Battery must have some charge in order to see if LED illuminates: Generally batteries come with a small amount of
charge. Also LED will not illuminate if solar panel is exposed to enough light: (try in dark area)
NOTE: This operation requires a small regular screwdriver and a pair of pliers.
NOTE: There is no way to tell which color an LED is until it is illuminated.
Continue to other side
Make sure you have the following things seen below:
Cut Longer (+) side to same length as the (-) side.
Use pliers to Bend as seen. NOTE Bend direction.
You may place the solar light in the pocket, or if you would like, you may use a small
amount of silicone glue on the bottom and then place in the pocket. We recommend
Clear Silicone caulk/glue.
WARNING: We recommend a removable glue such as silicone that will not damage
your dock, and will allow you to remove the light from the pocket if it is damaged or you
need to move it. DO NOT use Super Glue, Epoxy, or other non removable adhesives.
DO NOT use adhesives that may chemically damage your dock.
DISCLAIMER: Lake Lite Inc. does not take responsibility for any damage resulting from
use of adhesives on your EZ Dock. If you have any questions about adhesives on your
EZ Dock please contact your EZ Dock representative.
Place battery in correct position in holder
Place battery clip over battery and Make sure it SNAPS in place on both sides of the battery holder.
Check the LED is screwed in the socket tightly and in correct position.
Check to make sure the Light comes on when you cover the solar panel (or try in dark room) * Note:
Battery must have some charge to test. Make sure you check the unit is working properly before
screwing the top on so you do not have to unscrew the lid again.
Check that the o-ring/Seal is in proper position around the top lid
Screw Top down tightly ensuring that the o-ring/seal has been drawn down tightly to make a good seal.
NOTE: There are two battery clips to securely hold the batteries in the battery holder so they do not fall
out. Please don’t forget to use them or throw them away
STOP !: DO NOT RETURN TO STORE: Missing Parts? Problem? Light not working?
For any issue or problem
please send email to [email protected] with name, address, problem or missing parts. Lake Lite Inc. can quickly
correct any issue, problem, or question you may have. Please email a short description of your issue to
[email protected] with name, address, phone number and someone will be happy to quickly assist you.
No email access please call: Ph: 260-918-2758.
Watch Online
Installation Video!
Watch Online
Video for Installing &
Changing LED Colors!