Operation – LABEC M-SCEN-207 User Manual
Page 6

1. Tube & Sample Setting
(1) The tubes in use must be placed in even number such as 2, 4, 6, 8. Glass tube must be
placed in carrier completely which are positioned symmetrically toward rotor center.
When you use tubes in odd number, it is necessary to put same volume of water in a
separate tube and then place such tubes into carrier for dummy use.
(2) Please consider the speed and centrifugal force the tubes can bear or not, or it will
cause the tubes easy broken from rotation.
(3) Please note tube length, if it is too long than the top of tube will hit the rotor and break.
If you have to put longer tubes in angle rotor, please place an interval between tubes.
(4) Adapter is available for tube’s diameter much smaller than carrier’s, it can prevent tube
broken from rotation.
c correct
² incorrect
50cc→15cc 15cc→6cc
a. Adapter should be placed into tube carrier properly, if it is slanted, then tube is
difficult to take out from carrier. If glass tube is broken or if rotor elapsed over
one year, then rotor needs to be renewed. Damaged rotor or rotor containing
broken glass will cause glass tube broken easily.
b. Carrier should be placed onto rotor properly, if not, it will be imbalanced and
destroy centrifuge, meanwhile to check if carriers swing normally by hand first.
c. Stainless steel tube carrier can be used for acidity and alkalinity tube
samples. (please purchase separately)