Kuzma RD ULTRASONIC CLEANER KIT 150217 User Manual

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The main frame is positioned around the ultrasonic cleaner bath. Records are placed with spacers on the
spindle fitted on the stand. The spindle holding the records is then positioned on top of the frame where the
motor slowly rotates them in the bath.

Frame is positioned over ultrasonic (US) cleaner bath

US cleaner must have time, temperature and ultrasonic power control. After aprox 10-15 minutes the
spindle with the records is lifted from the bath and positioned back onto the stand to air dry records. Once
records are dry , the top surface of the record is swept with the carbon brush to get rid of any possible dust
particles and the records put in new record sleeves. As the records are free of static charge, this process is
very easy.

Spindle with records on frame in ultrasonic bath Spindle with records in drying position

Technical requirements for ultrasonic cleaner bath:
There are various ultrasonic cleners on the market. Simply look into the technical data and if they meet the
following criteria it will clean safely.

Bath inner size: min 297 x 220 x 135 (mm: Lenght x Width x Depth )
max 305 x 240 x 150 (mm: L x W x D)
Cleaner outer size: min 325 x 265 x 270 (mm: Lenght x Width x Height )
Max 365 x 278 x 395 (mm: L x W x H )
(special size frame can be made on request)
Volume: min 8-10 lit ( depends on the bath size)
Ultrasonic frequency: 35-40 kHz
Temperature control: min 20-50 Celsius range ( suggested temperature is 30-33 C degrees)
Timer: min 5-20 minutes range (suggested cleaning time is 10-15 minutes)
Power control: 0-100% ( suggested cleaning power is 50-60 % of full power)

In case of doubt ask your dealer or us directly, sending us technical details about cleaner.