Kuzma AIR LINE 130401 User Manual

Page 9

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4.4. Air pressure Setup:
Note: keep valves on air tube supply and tonearm in the closed position. All tubes must
be connected.

4.4.1. Compressor ON:
Plug the compressor into the mains and leave it permanently turned ON. The main switch is
under the cover on the top. It has two positions. Be careful inside not to hurt your fingers,
although there is no danger of electrical shock. When the main switch is turned ON, pressure
will start to build up and this will be shown on the pressure gauge on the left side of the
compressor. This shows the air pressure in the reservoir. It should rise and reach 8-8.5 bars
(110-120 psi) in about 3-5 minutes. The right hand pressure gauge shows output working
pressure. It should rise and then show constant 4.5 bars (65 psi). The knob on top of the filter
is for readjusting the working pressure. To readjust, it must first be pulled up. Fig. 2.

4.4.2. Silver filters sealed:
When full air pressure is reached in the compressor (the compressor stops working in about 3-
5 minutes) open the valve on the tube before silver filters and the air pressure will flow into
the filters which will automatically seal the automatic drain systems in these dryers-filters.

4.4.3. Tonearm’s air pressure in the bearing:
Note: When tonearm is not in use the valve on the tonearm should be in the closed
. You should not move the tonearm unnecessarily.

Open the valve on the tonearm and the small pressure indicator will show a similar level of air
pressure (4-4, 5 bar) as on the right hand pressure indicator on the compressor. If not, check
for leaks (hiss noise) at red filters.

Note: See also 5.0: On the tonearm now remove protective shaft cover and the security wire
which has restricted movement of the arm bearing during transport. The tonearm is not
balanced, as there is no extra weight on the headshell. When the air bearing is functioning,
the counterweight will rotate the tube so that the headshell will go up.

Open the valve again and move the tonearm once or twice along the main bearing shaft (if
tonearm is new or has not been used for few days). This will clean the shaft of dust particles.
After use merely close the valve on the tonearm and the pressure indicator on the tonearm will
show zero pressure. You can not move the tonearm now. The compressor will go on standby.
Every few hours or so air release noises can be heard and the compressor will switch on a few
times per day when resting in the stand by position.