Kindle Paperwhite (2nd Generation) User Manual

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Kindle Paperwhite User's Guide, 3rd Edition


Chapter 2

Acquiring & Managing Kindle Content

Collections downloaded to the device appear in your All Items, Books, Periodicals and Docs
views. To download a collection, just press and hold on a collection cover or collection title
and tap Add to Device. Note that this setting is device-specific and will not be saved when
you deregister your Kindle. To remove a collection from your device, press and hold on a
collection cover or collection title and then tap Remove from Device.

Tips for using Cloud Collections:

Deleting a collection that was created on a device or in a reading app that supports Cloud
Collections, such as your Kindle, will delete it from the Cloud and other devices or reading
apps that support Cloud Collections and are registered with the same Amazon account.

Deleting a collection from your Kindle does not remove the content stored on your device
or in the Cloud. Items stored on your Kindle that were previously placed into the collection
will appear on the Home screen and in the Cloud after the collection is deleted.