Managing your kindle library – Kindle Paperwhite (2nd Generation) User Manual
Page 17

Kindle Paperwhite User's Guide, 3rd Edition
Chapter 2
Acquiring & Managing Kindle Content
Newspapers and magazines are stored in folders by periodical name. When you open the
folder, you can select either Cloud or On Device view, and download and open periodicals.
Issues that are more than eight issues old will be deleted from your device automatically to
free up space for new content. Newspapers that are more than 14 issues old, and magazines
that are more than 40 issues old, will be deleted from the Cloud automatically. "Expiring"
next to an issue indicates that it will be deleted soon. Press and hold on a periodical folder
to view the following options: Open Latest Issue, View Back Issues and Remove All Back
You can view more options when you press and hold on a single issue. Options include Go
To First Page, Go To Sections & Articles, Search This Issue, Keep This Issue, View Notes &
Marks, View Back Issues and Delete This Issue.
There are two ways to keep a copy of an issue on your device:
On the Home screen tap On Device, then press and hold on the name or cover of the issue
you wish to keep. Select Keep This Issue from the options.
From within the issue, tap the Menu button and select Keep This Issue.
You can access all of your back issues, regardless of age, on the Manage Your Content and
Devices page, accessible fro
Managing your Kindle Library
Your Kindle Paperwhite can store thousands of books, personal documents, newspapers,
blogs and magazines, which are referred to collectively as "content" throughout this guide.
To display a list of content on your Kindle Paperwhite, tap the Home button, then the On
Device option.
To view how much free space your Kindle has available for storing content:
Tap the Menu button and select Settings.
2. On the Settings page, tap the Menu button, then Device Info.
You can view content on the Home screen using the default cover view or by the traditional
list view. To change the appearance of the Home screen, tap the Menu button and select
List or Cover View.
By default, your content is sorted by Recent, meaning that new items and the content you're
currently reading are at the top. To change the sort option, on the Home screen tap the
name of the existing sort order, located under the toolbar. You can also sort items that you
have stored in the Cloud.
To filter your content by type, on the Home screen tap All Items, located under the toolbar.
Filtering options include:
All Items