Kenton CR-78 User Manual
Page 3

Program >>
1 - Bass Drum
11 - CowBell
2 - Snare Drum
12 - Tambourine Hi
3 - RimShot
13 - Tambourine Lo
4 - HiHat
14 - Guiro P
5 - Cymbal
15 - Guiro T
6 - Maracca
16 - Metallic Beat
7 - Clave
8 - Hi Bongo
9 - Lo Bongo
10 - Lo Conga
1) Above is a list of how program numbers are used in MAPPING MODE. No matter how the sounds are assigned,
these program numbers always belong to the same sound. (N.B. this assumes programs start at 1 rather than 0)
2) Any program number above 16 will terminate Mapping mode and return you to normal play mode.
3) You can assign more than one sound to the same MIDI note, all of them if you want, however MIDI out uses the
same map, so all sounds would then generate the same note!
4) Assignments are stored in non volatile memory.
5) The CR-78 will always transmit the assigned drum notes as follows:- Normal notes - velocity 64.
Accented notes - velocity 127. Note however that the CR-78 does not distinguish between individual sounds when
responding to accent, rather it is the time-slot it happens in. So all sounds produced at that time will be accented or
not accented.
6) Metallic Beat is receive only – it is not sent because it only sounds in conjunction with either HiHat, Cymbal or
Tambourine. You can use the sliders to determine what you hear or use the “Cancel Voice” for Cymbal/HiHat.
Depressed removes MB from CY/HH and puts it on Tamb instead.
7) Tambourine Hi and Lo are very similar and are included because the CR-78 generates them
8) Guiro-P doesn’t make a sound on its own, it only affects the sound of Guiro-T (it makes it higher pitched). Guiro-
T can be used on its own, or with Guiro-P. Again done this way because this is how the CR-78 generates it.
9) "MIDI CONTINUE" is treated as a "START" command if Song Position Pointer is zero. (default)
If seleceted, Continue messages can always be treated as Start.
10) Turn the “FADE” switches to OFF when using with incoming MIDI clock. If you leave them on you will find that
the tempo changes to the CR-78 clock tempo when the MIDI stop is received.