Canon D646U User Manual
Page 57

Scan button cannot be selected
Solution 1: A scan cannot be performed if the scan area is set too small (less
than 64 x 64 pixels). Increase the size of the scan area
Solution 2: A scan cannot be performed unless a scan area is specified. Specify a
scan area
Solution 3: A scan cannot be performed if the required memory is larger than
the free memory. Change the resolution
until the required memory is lower
The “Insufficient Memory” error message appears when
Solution 1: Select the smallest possible area and rescan
Solution 2: Lower the resolution and magnification settings for the output
device to the lowest possible values
Solution 3: Rescan after closing all the application programs other than the one
used to start Plug-in Module CS-U
Solution 4: Rescan after you have restarted the application program used to
start Plug-in Module CS-U
Solution 5: Quit the application program used to start Plug-in Module CS-U and
increase the memory allocated to it. Click the application program
icon once. Then open the [File] menu, choose [Get Info], and choose
[Memory] from the submenu. Increase the memory in the Preferred
Size box to at least 12000 K.
Solution 6: Increase the amount of RAM as required
The [Image] menu [ColorSync] option cannot be used in
Plug-in Module CS-U
ColorSync is not recognized after Mac OS upgraded to Version 9
after Plug-in Module CS-U was installed onto Mac OS 8.6. Reinstall
Plug-in Module CS-U