Pâte à choux – cream puf fs, Lightened pastry cream – Cuisinart CCP-10 User Manual

Page 13

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*Note: Due to the consistency of this cookie dough, we recommend

using discs 3, 4, 5, 6 or 10.

Nutritional information per cookie:

Calories 51 (42% from fat) • carb. 7g • pro. 1g • fat 2g • sat. fat 1g

• chol. 11mg • sod. 25mg • calc. 2mg • fiber 0g

Pâte à Choux – Cream Puf


Very versatile, pâte à choux can be used for both sweet and

savory preparations.

Makes about 40 two-inch choux or puffs

½ cup



tablespoons unsalted butter


teaspoon fine sea salt or table salt


teaspoon granulated sugar


cup plus 2 tablespoons bread flour


large eggs, plus 2 more if necessary


Preheat oven to 500°F



Put the water, butter

, salt and sugar into a small or medium

saucepan and set over medium heat. Once the mixture comes to

a boil, remove fr

om heat and stir in all of the flour. Retur

n to the

burner and raise the heat to medium-high. Using a wooden spoon,

continuously stir the mixture until it dries out. Y

ou will know it is

done when the dough leaves a thick hard film on the bottom of the

pot. It is better to overcook at this stage, than not enough.


Remove from heat and put mixtur

e into the bowl of a Cuisinart


Stand Mixer, fitted with the mixing paddle. Mix on a low speed to

release steam and cool.


Once the dough has cooled, after about 2 to 3 minutes, start

adding the eggs, one at a time, mixing each until fully incorporated

before adding the next. The dough is r

eady when it becomes a

pale yellow color and is thickened. T ypically

, pâte à choux batter

should drop fr

om the paddle in a slow and steady stream, but for

use in the cookie press, the desir

ed consistency is between a thick

cake batter and a soft cookie dough. If the dough is too thick,

beat the remaining two eggs together and, with the mixer running,

slowly begin to add them, little by little, until the dough is correct.

Be sure not to make the dough too runny or it will not hold its



Fit the Cuisinart


Electric Cookie Press with the pastry tip

assembly, using the basic r

ound tip (#1) as instructed on page 5.

Load the batter to the MAX fill line. Pipe the batter out into 2-inch

rounds onto a par

chment paper-lined baking pan, about

1 inch apart. T o achieve the best r

esults, instead of holding the

On/Off button down, pulse and let the batter slowly come

out of the press.


Place the pan of piped choux in the preheated oven. T


the oven

off and let sit in the hot oven for 10 minutes. T


the oven back

on and set to 300°F . Let bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the

choux are hollow

, nicely browned, and not wet inside. T

o ensur


even color, tur

n baking sheet halfway through baking.


Let choux cool, and then fill with desired filling. For a beautiful hors

d’oeuvre, we suggest the Herbed Cheese Spr

ead on page 13.

For a sweet finish to your meal, the Lightened Pastry Cream

(recipe follows) or the Simple Chocolate Mousse on page 9 – both

work well.

Nutritional information per choux:

Calories 26 (60% from fat) • carb. 2g • pro. 1g • fat 2g • sat. fat 1g

• chol. 21mg • sod. 38mg • calc. 3mg • fiber 0g

Lightened Pastry Cream

The essential filling for cream puf

fs, this is also delicious in

fresh fruit tarts or as a cake filling.

Makes about 3½ cups

cups whole milk


cup heavy cream, divided


cup granulated sugar, divided

½ teaspoon



tablespoon pure vanilla extract


vanilla bean, halved and seeds scraped*


large egg yolks

2 tablespoons




Put the milk, ½ cup cream, ¼ cup sugar

, salt, vanilla extract,

vanilla bean seeds and pod into a saucepan over medium heat.

Bring mixture to a heavy simmer



Put egg yolks, remaining sugar and cor

nstarch into a lar

ge mixing

bowl. Using either a Cuisinart


Hand or Stand Mixer, fitted with