Simple chocolate mousse – Cuisinart CCP-10 User Manual

Page 12

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the whisk attachment, whisk the ingredients until light in color and



Once the milk/cream mixtur

e has reached a heavy simmer

, add

one third slowly to the yolk/sugar mixtur

e while whisking. Whisk

until completely combined. Add the remaining mixtur

e slowly while



Return mixtur

e to the saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a

boil and cook while whisking continuously, being sur

e to whisk

the entire surface of the pan. Whisk for about 2½ minutes

until thickened. Stirring constantly is very important to avoid

overcooking the eggs. Strain mixtur

e through a fine mesh strainer

into a clean mixing bowl. Again, using a hand or stand mixer,

whisk the pastry cream to cool slightly

, about 3 to 5 minutes.


T o pr

event a skin from forming, cover dir

ectly with plastic wrap

and cool completely before using. T

o speed up the cooling

process, set the mixing bowl over a bowl of ice and water



Once the pastry cream has fully cooled, whip the r

emaining ½

cup of heavy cream to medium peaks. Fold into the cooled pastry

cream until smooth.


Fit the Cuisinart


Electric Cookie Press with the pastry tip

assembly, using desir

ed tip* as instructed on page 5. We

recommend using the star tip (#6). Load the lightened pastry

cream to the MAX fill line. Pipe as desir


Note: The lightened pastry cream is best used the same day as


ed. If not using right away, it is best to pr

epare the pastry cr


through step 5 and then lightening it with the heavy cr

eam before


* Using a small, sharp knife, cut the vanilla bean in half lengthwise and

then scrape the seeds from inside the bean with the knife tip.

**Please refer to piping tips on page 5 for best r


Nutritional information per ser

ving (1 tablespoon):

Calories 96 (61% from fat) • carb. 8g • pro. 2g • fat 7g • sat. fat 4g

• chol. 67mg • sod. 74mg • calc. 37mg • fiber 0g

Simple Chocolate Mousse

For a special treat, use this mousse as a filling for cr

eam puffs.

Makes about 4½ cups


ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped

cups heavy cream, divided

1 tablespoon



or any coffee liqueur


Put the chocolate into a large, heat-pr

oof mixing bowl. Pour 1 cup

of the heavy cream into a small saucepan and bring just to a boil.


Pour the scalded cream over the chocolate and stir so that

chocolate is completely melted and smooth. Let chocolate cool to

room temperatur

e. Put the remaining heavy cr

eam and Kahlúa into

a separate mixing bowl.


Using a Cuisinart


Hand or Stand Mixer fitted with the whisk

attachment, whip the cream on a medium speed, gradually

increasing to high speed until cr

eam holds firm peaks, about 1½



Carefully fold the whipped cr

eam into the cooled chocolate mixture

in three additions by using a lar

ge rubber spatula until mixture is

homogenous. Cover with plastic and chill for about 30 minutes.


Fit the Cuisinart


Electric Cookie Press with the pastry tip

assembly, using desir

ed tip as instructed on page 5*. Load the

mousse to the MAX fill line.


Pipe mousse as desired**.

*If using for cream puf

fs, we recommend the star tip (#6).

**Refer to piping tips on page 5 for best results.

Nutritional information per cookie:

Calories 215 (71% from fat) • carb. 14g • pro. 2g • fat 17g • sat. fat 11g

• chol. 46mg • sod. 13mg • calc. 28mg • fiber 1g