Cannondale Bicycles User Manual
Page 24

WARNING: Do not remove the reflectors from your bicycle. They are
an integral part of the bicycle's safety system. Removing the
reflectors may reduce your visibility to others using the roadway.
Being struck by other vehicles may result in serious injury or death.
Remember: reflectors are not a substitute for lights. Always equip
your bicycle with all state and locally mandated lights.
Lights: If you ride your bike before dawn or after dusk, your bicycle
must be equipped with lights so that you can see the road and avoid
road hazards; and so that others can see you. Vehicle laws treat bicycles
like any other vehicle. That means you
must have a white front and a
red rear light operating if you are riding after dusk. Your bike dealer can
recommend a battery or generator powered lighting system appropriate
to your needs.
WARNING: Reflectors are not a substitute for proper lights. It is
your responsibility to equip your bicycle with all state and locally
mandated lights. Riding at dawn, at dusk, at night or at other times
of poor visibility without a bicycle lighting system which meets local
and state laws and without reflectors is dangerous and may result
in serious injury or death.
2000 owner's manual 10/27/99 10/27/99 11:16 AM Page 20