Celestron CGEM 1100 User Manual
Page 40

With your telescope set up, you are ready to use it for observing. This section covers visual observing hints for both solar
system and deep sky objects as well as general observing conditions which will affect your ability to observe.
Observing the Moon
Often, it is tempting to look at the Moon when it is full. At this time, the face we
see is fully illuminated and its light can be overpowering. In addition, little or
no contrast can be seen during this phase.
One of the best times to observe the Moon is during its partial phases (around
the time of first or third quarter). Long shadows reveal a great amount of detail
on the lunar surface. At low power you will be able to see most of the lunar disk
at one time. The optional Reducer/Corrector lens allows for breath-taking views
of the entire lunar disk when used with a low power eyepiece. Change to higher
power (magnification) to focus in on a smaller area. Choose the lunar tracking
rate from the hand control's MENU tracking rate options to keep the moon
centered in the eyepiece even at high magnifications.
Lunar Observing Hints
To increase contrast and bring out detail on the lunar surface, use filters. A yellow filter works well at improving contrast
while a neutral density or polarizing filter will reduce overall surface brightness and glare.
Observing the Planets
Other fascinating targets include the five naked eye planets. You can see Venus
go through its lunar-like phases. Mars can reveal a host of surface detail and one,
if not both, of its polar caps. You will be able to see the cloud belts of Jupiter and
the great Red Spot (if it is visible at the time you are observing). In addition, you
will also be able to see the moons of Jupiter as they orbit the giant planet. Saturn,
with its beautiful rings, is easily visible at moderate power.
Planetary Observing Hints
Remember that atmospheric conditions are usually the limiting factor on
how much planetary detail will be visible. So, avoid observing the
planets when they are low on the horizon or when they are directly over
a source of radiating heat, such as a rooftop or chimney. See the "Seeing
Conditions" section later in this section.
To increase contrast and bring out detail on the planetary surface, try using Celestron eyepiece filters.
Observing the Sun
Although overlooked by many amateur astronomers, solar observation is both rewarding and fun. However, because the
Sun is so bright, special precautions must be taken when observing our star so as not to damage your eyes or your
Never project an image of the Sun through the telescope. Because of the folded optical design, tremendous heat build-up
will result inside the optical tube. This can damage the telescope and/or any accessories attached to the telescope.
For safe solar viewing, use a solar filter that reduces the intensity of the Sun's light, making it safe to view. With a filter
you can see sunspots as they move across the solar disk and faculae, which are bright patches seen near the Sun's edge.