Guarantee and service valid for australia – Philips AQ6542/01 User Manual

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Guarantee and Service valid for Australia


The benefits given to the purchaser by this
warranty are in addition to all other rights and

remedies, which, under the Trade Practices Act or

other Commonwealth or State law, the purchaser
or owner has in respect of the product.

The Philips product carries the following warranties:

- C-series HiFi-systems: 12 months
- Compact Disc Players: 12 months
- Home Audio Systems: 6 months
- Clock radios, portable radios, cassette recorders,

cassette players and radio recorders: 90 days.

Any defect in materials or workmanship occurring
within the specified period from the date of

delivery, will be rectified free of charge by the

retailer from whom this product was purchased.
Note: Please retain your purchase docket to assist

prompt service.


Conditions of this warranty

, All claims for warranty service must be made to

the retailer from whom this product was

purchased. All transport charges incurred in con­
nection with warranty ser'/ice or replacement will

be paid by the purchaser.

2. These warranties do not cover batteries and

extend only to defects in materials or

workmanship occurring under normal use of the

product where operated in accordance with our


Philips Consumer Products Division

Technology Park, Figtree Drive

Australia Centre

Homebush 2140
New South Wales


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