Castelle 61-1273-001 User Manual
Page 3

Introducing the FaxPress Xerox Interface 1-1
Overview_____________________________________ 1-2
About the FaxPress Xerox Interface ______________ 1-3
Scanning Documents for Outgoing Faxes ________ 1-3
Printing Incoming Faxes and Notices ____________ 1-3
System Requirements________________________ 1-4
Overview of Installation and Configuration Procedures 1-5
Creating Fax Repository_____________ 2-1
Overview_____________________________________ 2-2
Creating the Fax Repository Folder_______________ 2-3
Configuring Server Fax Kit___________ 3-1
Overview_____________________________________ 3-2
Setting up the Server Fax Kit on Your Xerox System. 3-3
Xerox Print Driver Setup_____________ 4-1
Overview_____________________________________ 4-2
Installing Xerox Print Drivers ____________________ 4-3
Configuring the Xerox Print Driver ______________ 4-10
Setting up Paper Colors on the Xerox System ____ 4-13
Installing the FaxPress Xerox Interface 5-1
Overview_____________________________________ 5-2
Installing the FaxPress Client Software ___________ 5-3
Creating FaxPress Users for Each Fax Repository __ 5-3
Installing the FaxPress Xerox Interface Software ___ 5-4
Configuring the FaxPress Xerox Interface _________ 5-9
Accessing the FaxPress Xerox Interface Configuration Utility