Operation, Mode, Different playing modes – Philips AZ 7385 User Manual

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- different playing modes

By pressing the MODE O button, you can successively

activate the piaying modes:

SHUFFLE: The tracks are played in random orrfer until all of

the tracks have been played once.

SHUFFLE REPEAT ALL: All tracks are played repeatedly In

random orcter until you leave this


REPEAT: The track is played repeatedly ut£\ you leave this mode.

REPEAT ALL: The CD is played repeater///until you leave this mode.

SCAN: Each track is played for 10 seconds until you leave this mode or until all tracks

have been played once.

Press the MODE O button again to deactivate all modes.

The selected playing mode is indicated in the display.

During play: CD play continues automatically with the selected playing mode.

In stop position: press the Hi button to start CD play.