Intellijel Corgasmatron (draft) User Manual

Page 3

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Input and Output jacks (left to right top to bottom)


CV input to VCF A filter cutoff, attenuated by FM1 A knob


CV input to VCF A filter cutoff, attenuated with inversion by FM2 A knob.
Normalled to VCF B FM2.


CV input to VCF B filter cutoff, attenuated with inversion by FM2 B knob. This
is a switching jack, inserting a plug here will break the normal from FM2 A.
Using this normal allows the same CV source patched into FM2 A to control
both filters. The bi polar attenuators can set opposite so as to lower the
frequency of one filter while raising the frequency of the other.


CV input to VCF B filter cutoff, attenuated by FM1 B knob


Output of filter A


CV input to Xfade section. This is a switching jack, when a plug is inserted
the XFADE knob becomes a CV attenuator. The Uni/Bi switch to the left of
the XFADE knob determines if this input is Unipolar or Bipolar. If using a
Envelope as a modulation source use Uni, If using. a LFO as a modulation
source use Bi.


Signal input to filter A. Patch a audio signal here to be filtered. The knob IN A
attenuates this signal. The input signal level alters the tone of the filter circuit
and the resonance behavior. For classic filter tone set the IN A knob to 11
oʼclock when using standard level modular VCOs.

1V/Oct A

CV input for filter frequency calibrated for 1V/oct standard. By patching the
1V/Oct output of your keyboard or MIDI to CV converter here the filter will
track the keyboard. This is normalled to the 1V/Oct CV input of filter B.

1V/Oct B

CV input for filter frequency calibrated for 1V/oct standard. This is switching
jack, inserting a plug here will break the normal from 1V/Oct A.


Signal input to filter B. Patch a audio signal here to be filtered. The knob IN B
attenuates this signal. See IN A for more detail. If you are using the
Corgasmatron in Serial configuration inserting a plug into this jack will break
the internal routing from filter A which may cause confusion.


Output of filter A and B mixed together. Use this output if the Corgasmatron is
in Parallel configuration and you want to mix the filters together to one


Output of filter B. In Series configuration use this output.

Corgasmatron Manual v1.0

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