Appendix c - patch examples – Intellijel Metropolis User Manual
Page 17

The patch in EXAMPLE 2 demonstrates a way to generate a sequence that is being modulated.
Metropolis#1 can be in either EXT or INT CLK mode and is connected to a VCO, VCA and ENVE-
LOPE generator similarly to EXAMPLE 1.
The SYNC output jack is used to clock the CLK input of the second Metropolis (or any other CV
sequencer). The SYNC pulse has been configured to fire on the last clock pulse of METROPOLIS #1
by choosing the CONFIG->SYNCL option. METROPOLIS #2 should be in EXT CLK mode but it can
be in any direction MODE, STAGE length etc. For this example it is suggested to try setting stages to
4 with a pulse count of 1 on each stage and MODE to FRD. This means that every time METROPO-
LIS #1 completes one cycle of its sequence METROPOLIS #2 will advance by one stage and cycle
through its 4 different pitches. The PITCH output of METROPOLIS #2 is connected to one of the
AUX inputs of Metropolis #1. If this AUX input is set to P. PITCH. P. OCT, P.POST or ROOT then you
will get an interesting, repeatable musical change on every sequence cycle. If the sequence on Me-
tropolis #1 was 1-BAR long then the repeating resultant musical sequence would be a 4-BAR phrase.