2 navigation p. 55, Navigation, P.55 – HONDA 2014 CR-Z - Navigation Manual User Manual
Page 56
This section describes how to enter a destination, select a route to take,
and follow the route to your destination. It also describes how to change
your route or destination along the way.
Entering a Destination ........................... 56
Address ................................................. 58
Address Book......................................... 63
Previous Destinations ............................. 64
Place Name ............................................ 65
Place Category ....................................... 67
Place Phone Number .............................. 72
Coordinate ............................................ 73
Intersection ............................................ 74
Map Input.............................................. 75
Calculating the Route ..............................77
Changing the Route Preference ..............78
Viewing the Routes .................................78
Calculating the Route on the Destination
Map ......................................................79
Driving to Your Destination ...................80
Viewing the Route ..................................80
Listening to Voice Guidance ....................84
Map Menu ................................................85
Displaying the Map Menu .......................85
Guidance Menu ......................................87
Showing Icons on the Map .....................92
Map Legend ...........................................94
FM Traffic ...............................................99
Changing Your Route ........................... 101
Canceling the Route............................. 102
Taking a Detour ................................... 102
Avoiding Streets ................................... 102
Adding Waypoints ............................... 103
Editing My Destination ......................... 107
Changing Your Destination ................. 108
Find Nearest Place ................................ 108
Selecting a Destination on the Map ...... 109
Entering a New Destination .................. 110