Great Planes Super Sportster EP ARF - GPMA1160 User Manual

Page 11

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9. Cut the covering from the rudder slot in the top of

the fuselage.

10. Apply a light coat of 30-minute epoxy in the stabilizer

slot and the top and bottom of the stabilizer. Slide the
stabilizer into position. Make sure the stabilizer is centered.
Use the string method to re-align the stab with the fuselage.
Insert the fin into the fin slot. Do not insert it completely. The
fin is used to space the fin slot correctly while the epoxy
cures on the stab. Wipe off the excess epoxy with a paper
towel dampened with denatured alcohol. Allow the epoxy to
cure fully before installing the fin.

11. Fit the fin all the way into the fin slot. Again, use a felt-

tip pen to mark the fuselage onto the fin. Remove the fin
from the fuselage and remove the covering from the fin.

12. Glue the fin into position using epoxy. Use a builders

square to make sure the fin is perpendicular to the stab.
Wipe off the excess epoxy with a paper towel dampened
with denatured alcohol. Masking tape can be used to hold
the fin in position until the epoxy cures.

13. Trim the covering from the elevator joiner wire slot in

the leading edge of both elevator halves.

14. Test fit the elevator joiner wire in both of the elevator

halves. Lay the elevator on a flat surface and check that both
halves lay flat and that the leading edge is straight. If they are
not, use pliers to make slight adjustments to the joiner wire.

15. Once you are satisfied with the fit of the elevator

joiner wire in the elevator halves, temporarily attach the
elevator to the stabilizer with four CA hinges. Make sure the
stabilizer and elevator halves are aligned. Remove the
elevator from the stab and clean the elevator joiner wire with
denatured alcohol. You will need two straight sticks to hold
the elevator aligned with the stabilizer. Apply epoxy to the
slots and in the elevator joiner wire holes in the leading edge
of the elevator halves. Install the elevators to the stabilizer
using four CA hinges. Tape the two straight sticks to the top
of the elevator and the stabilizer. Before the epoxy cures,
use thin CA to glue in the hinges.