Building instructions – Great Planes SlowPoke 40 ARF MonoKote - GPMA1215 User Manual

Page 6

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1. Locate six wing joiners. Make two wing joiners by

gluing three of the joiners together with 6-minute epoxy.
Wipe away any excess epoxy that may squeeze out. Set
them aside to allow the glue to cure. After the glue has cured
mark the top of the wing joiner as shown.

2. Locate the left and right wing panels. On the bottom of

the wing locate the aileron servo compartment. Cut the film
away with a hobby knife to reveal the servo compartment.
Iron the covering around the opening with a modeling iron.

3. Locate the slot at the leading edge of the left and right

wing for the landing gear. Cut the covering away from the slot
and iron any loose covering in place with your hobby iron.

4. Trial fit the two wing joiners into the wing center

section, into the right wing panel and left wing panel. Be
sure the wing joiners are inserted so that the top of the joiner
is against the top of the wing. When you are satisfied that
they fit remove the wings from the wing joiners.

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5. The wing center section and outboard wings have

string taped to the root rib. Set the wing joiner and the right
wing panel side by side. Tie the two strings together. These
strings will be used to pull the servo wires through the wing
when you install the radio system.

Wing Assembly