Landing – Great Planes Firebat ARF EP Jet - GPMA1400/1405 User Manual

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slightly to slow the model, yet maintain altitude. The Firebat
ARF should fly well and maintain adequate airspeed at
about 1/2 – 3/4 throttle.

Adjust the elevator trim so the model flies level at the throttle
setting you are using. Adjust the aileron trim to level the
wings. It may take a few minutes to get the trims adjusted,
but this should be your first priority once at a comfortable
altitude. Continue to fly around, executing turns and making
mental notes (or having your assistant take notes for you) of
what additional adjustments or C.G. changes may be required
to fine tune the model so it flies the way you like.

Begin the landing approach by flying downwind at an
altitude of approximately 40 feet [12 meters]. When the
airplane is approximately 50 to 100 feet [15 to 30 meters]
past you, gradually reduce power and make the “final” 180° turn
directly into the wind, aligning the airplane with the runway
or landing area. Do not dive the airplane, as it will pick up
too much speed. Instead, allow the airplane to establish a
gradual descent. Concentrate on keeping it heading into the
wind toward the runway. When the plane reaches an altitude
of about 3 feet [1 meter], reduce power some more and
gently and slowly apply a little “up elevator” to level the
plane, but be careful as too much up elevator will cause it to
stall. While holding a slight amount of up elevator the
airplane will slow and descend as it loses flying speed, thus
touching down on the runway.

Until you are able to accurately judge how far the Firebat
ARF can glide, it may be helpful to reserve some battery
power to run the motor so the plane can be flown back to the
runway. Be aware that after the speed controller has cut off
the power, most speed controllers will allow you to reduce
the throttle to idle and then advance the throttle to obtain a
brief burst of power.

Best of luck and happy flying!

Make a copy of this identification tag and place it on or
inside the model.
